... a show at the swell gallery. daniel made this. a cloud chamber that makes traces or radiation visible (at least that's the best i can describe it). it was hard to photograph, but one of the coolest things i have seen at SFAI these images are of one of my pieces. a sort of alter/pedestal built of found objects with a projection of the moon coming from below. another piece i made for the show. a video projection using a very old three bulb projector. i separated the colors as much as possible without taking apart the projector. below is luca's piece. ...pretty awesome.
even with loaf-i.com, freeformfilm.org, the LMA blog and tyronedavies.com, i find there is more i want to post. This is the site for things that don't go anywhere else. MOSTLY thingsFOUND by me, MADE by me, or CHANGED by me is some way...